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4 SEO Tactics Your Law Firm Needs for More Leads

4 SEO Tactics Your Law Firm Needs for More Leads

You are managing your own law firm, and no one needs to tell you that business has changed dramatically in the last decade. With the birth of the internet, more and more consumers are heading online. They are going to the internet to get recommendations on where to do business, they are shopping, and they are interacting on social media. Your law firm needs to stay agile, and change with the market, not try to fight it. Spending money on online marketing activities is healthy, and it is a good decision. So where do you start?

Using the internet is a great way to generate new business. It is also a great money-saver in the long run. Every dollar you spend is creating more online equity for your law firm. Here are the Top 4 SEO Tactics Your Law Firm Needs for More Leads:

1. Use Video

This may seem like something that only really engaged or bored law firms do. The truth it, YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet, and over 65% of internet users watch at least one video online per day. Your law firm needs to utilize this for optimal search results, back-links, better SEO placement on Google, and to grow an audience. A great tip is to upload consistent videos educating your market on what exactly your firm does, and how you do it. Make videos on topics a customer may search for more information about.  Here are some ways you can leverage the power of video.

2. Design a Website to Generate Leads

Even if you have a company website, that is not enough. Your site needs to be optimized to capture leads. The best way to do that is to create an engaging front page, or “landing page.” This page needs to have an engaging video that invites your customer in for a specific reason (engage your target market), and your law firms brand story to differentiate yourself from your competition. At the bottom, you will need a “call-to-action” button where your customer can enter his information after he is prompted to give it to you.

3. Utilize Facebook Ads

Make sure your company has a Facebook page, and invest in Facebook ads. Use a social media manager to assist you with your online brand story and presence.  With Facebook ads, you will target your target customer. Offer a great incentive such as lifetime membership for free services from your firm. This will be a great way for you to get the e-mail addresses of interested customers in your area. Then, you can create an e-mail marketing campaign to capture even more leads.

4. Stay Relevant

When you are wanting to rank number one on Google, you need to have a great online presence. An excellent way to do this is by creating a following on social media outlets. Make sure that your firm stays current by adding unique content daily. Also, do not be afraid to engage with your customers on these platforms. Creating a blog that has relevant information is another great way to bring in followers. Post your blog content on your website, and around the internet. You can reach out to media channels with your blog posts as well.

Those are the Top 4 SEO Tactics your law firm can implement to generate interested leads online. Print and TV advertising are dying industries. Make your money work for you and your future by investing in online marketing instead!

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